Within our Ph.D. programme Secularities: Configurations and Developmental Paths at the Graduate Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences in the Research Academy Leipzig, we analyse phenomena of secularities and secularisations, assuming that the relation between the secular and the sacred is not static but dynamic. On the basis of this assumption, we reflect not only on conflicting but also on co-operating configurations of the secular and the sacred; therefore, we refer to secularities in the plural rather than to – monolithic – secularity in the singular. Additional assumptions can be deduced from the basis of our research:
In modern or post-modern (Western-)Europe, the relation between the secular and the sacred is perceived as being configured along a conflictual line. This perception had significant purchase throughout the world.
However, the relation between the secular and the sacred is not necessarily configured in conflict. On the contrary, the relation has developed differently in different regions of the world. As a consequence, different developments and different developmental paths have to be scrutinised.
Regardless of its respective configuration, the relation between the secular and the sacred is crucial for a society's social, cultural and political character.
Within our Ph.D. programme, we combine research on secularities and secularisations in interdisciplinary and international perspectives. Research focuses on theoretical and empirical analyses, examining current configurations of the relation between the secular and the sacred as well as the developments and developmental paths leading to these configurations. The Ph.D. programme is particularly conducive to sociological, historical, philosophical and theological research projects and, in addition, to research projects from cultural and religious studies perspectives.
Ph.D. Programme
Secularities: Configurations and Developmental Paths
Department of Theology Leipzig
Institute for Practical Theology
Martin-Luther-Ring 3
D - 04109 Leipzig, Germany
Fon: +49-(0)341-9735463
Fax: +49-(0)341-9735469