Beate Backe, M.A.
Ph.D. Project:
"Yemeni Conditions" in Law? Islamic Law, Customary Law, and Western Law in Conflict.
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Ebert

Kirsten Bröcker, M.A.
Ph.D. Project:
The Social Structure of Refusers of Baptism, Confirmation, and Marriage in Leipzig
from 1880 to 1930.

Supervision: PD Dr. Thomas Hase

Claudia Götze, St.-Ex.
Ph.D. Project:
Religion and Mobility: Secular and Religious Contaminations?
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Gert Pickel
Vanessza Heiland, M.A.
Ph.D. Project:
"We call for the Secular School!" An Analysis of Discourses and Discourses' Agents striving for the Implementation of a Secular Setting of the German Elementary School System between 1848 and 1927.
Supervision: PD Dr. Thomas Hase

Maria Jakob, M.A.
Ph.D. Project:
Citizenship between Secularism and Sacralization: The example of naturalization ceremonies in Germany.
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Monika Wohlrab-Sahr
Susanne Kimmig-Völkner, M.A.
Ph.D. Project:
Secular Stragegies of Representation in Early Modern Churches: Transliteration of Medieval Retabels during the Confessionalisation.
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Michaela Marek

Stephan Kokew, M.A.
Ph.D. Project:
The Discourse of Tolerance in Twelver-Shii Islam: Classical Conceptions and Contemporaty Interpretations.
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Ebert

Thomas Krutak, M.A., MA 
Ph.D. Project:
The establishment of a religious minority: Classification and demarcation of the Christian community in North India (with special reference to the Church of North India).

Supervision: Prof. Dr. Hubert Seiwert
Frank Schenker, M.A.
Ph.D. Project:
Banning the Hijab - Banning the Minaret: The Impact of Media Discourses, Political Actors and Political Decisions.
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Gert Pickel
Ute Wegert, M.A.

Ph.D. Project:
The Indian Discourse on Secularism: Indigenious Tradition or Hegemonic Concept?

Supervision: Prof. Dr. Hubert Seiwert